
Hi! Welcome to Clever Girl Flowers. I’m Laura, and this is our second year with a cut flower garden. I learned a lot in the first year - mostly, that I can’t wait to share these blooms with you!

There’s just something about starting seeds, tending them, and growing them into flowers that is so nourishing. With a full time job, a young family, and daily life responsibilities, a hobby hasn’t been at the top of the list. Two years ago, we were fortunate enough to move to some acreage and be able to start growing. One seed packet turned into 20 (which has now turned into too many to count) and what I thought would be a fun hobby has turned into an absolute passion.

Year 2 of our garden is going to be explosive! Come along with us as we navigate growing our garden, and finding our place in the flower farming world. We can’t wait to share our gorgeous flowers with you this Summer!


Seed Starting & Soil Blocking Part 1