July 9 Subscription Flowers

Hi there, flower friends! Well, it looks like I missed the June updates (spoiler alert, it was about flowers ;) ) and since we’re solidly in July, I’ll pick the blog back up with a who’s who of the flowers in this weeks subscription!

Today kicks off the 2023 Subscription Season, and I’m SO excited it’s finally here! It’s amazing to get these blooms into your hands (well, vases) and start the summer off with fresh, local blooms!

Every flower in the arrangement is grown right here in my little flower farm - I don’t buy flowers elsewhere, so you are getting the freshest flowers possible. They go directly from farm to vase, which means your flowers will last longer, stay more vibrant, and most importantly - you’ll get to enjoy them as if they were still in the garden!

This week has some really great blooms, including tried and true favorites and new additions, adding amazing textures and shapes.

Check out the gallery below to know what you are enjoying this week, and comment below with your favorite!


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